Rabbinical Experience

I received my ordination from the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College, a pluralistic trans-denominational rabbinical program where I currently serve on the faculty, teaching and training future rabbis and cantors in spiritual care and counseling. I have served as the Rabbi of Congregation Agudas Achim in Attleboro, MA, as a Rabbinic Advisor at Harvard Hillel, as a Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Intern at Congregation Beit Simchat Torah in NYC, and I completed chaplaincy training at Hebrew Senior Life in Boston. I've created and performed numerous lifecycle rituals, including baby namings and welcoming ceremonies, weddings, unveilings, funerals, and memorial services. As part of my rabbinic work experience, I have led religious services (including "open door" High Holiday services for over 4,000 people), delivered sermons, taught adult education classes, created and led children's and family holiday programming, provided pastoral counseling, facilitated bereavement groups, implemented social justice programs, and engaged in outreach to unaffiliated and marginalized Jews.
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah (New York, NY), 2012-13
Served as the Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Intern at CBST, the world's largest LGBT synagogue. Led religious services, officiated life-cycle rituals, delivered sermons, provided pastoral counseling, facilitated bereavement groups, and assisted with synagogue operations. Taught adult education classes, created and led children's and family programs, managed Mishpacha program for Jewish LGBTQ elders, and initiated a series of programs to foster intergenerational connection among LGBTQ Jews. Advocated for LGBTQ issues in the community, supervised Transgender Empowerment Committee and Chesed (caring) Committee.
Hebrew Rehabilitation Center/Hebrew Senior Life (Boston, MA), 2012
Participated in the Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Program as a Chaplain Intern. Provided pastoral care for over 100 geriatric residents and their families coping with chronic illness, loss of independence, and the dying process. Led religious and memorial services, taught adult education classes, and facilitated discussion groups.
Harvard Hillel (Cambridge, MA), 2010-12
Served as the Reform Rabbinic Advisor, which included designing and leading Shabbat and High Holiday services, as well as holiday celebrations. Provided pastoral counseling, mentorship, leadership development, social justice programming, and other educational opportunities for Harvard students and the broader Harvard Community. Developed programs to increase participation in Hillel life, and engaged in student outreach.
Institute for Jewish and Community Research (San Francisco, CA) – 2000-04
One of the original researchers and project managers for B'Chol Lashon, a national project on racial and ethnic diversity in the Jewish community. Conducted sociological research under Dr. Gary Tobin, constructing survey questionnaires and orchestrating focus groups and interviews. Produced large-scale cultural events and holiday celebrations, including the International B'Chol Lashon Conference. Developed new diversity trainings for the organized Jewish community. Provided support to Jews of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds around issues of marginalization in the Jewish community.
Community Affiliations & Leadership Activities
Be’chol Lashon Rabbinic Circle (2013-present)—Commitment to the vision of Be’chol Lashon which includes welcoming people of all racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds into the Jewish community and lending the voice of my rabbinate to their message of inclusion.
Trans/Queer Beit Midrash (2010-12)—Instructor for this educational initiative through Keshet making traditional Jewish texts/practices accessible and relevant to the queer community; designed/facilitated a trans naming ceremony.
Partakers Prison Ministry (2009-12)—Volunteer for this organization committed to restorative justice, prisoner rehabilitation/healing, and reduction of recidivism. Provide mentoring and pastoral care to an incarcerated woman pursuing her bachelor’s degree.
Nehirim: GLBT Jewish Culture & Spirituality (2009-12)—Taught classes and workshops on Queer Jewish themes.
JEWCY (2000-04)—Member of this network of young Jewish activists; facilitated retreat workshops on issues of race, class, gender, ability and on the psychosocial roots of activist identity formation.